PinnedFor Artists, Creators and Rebels: how to trust more in yourself and your workAs artists, we all need some support and reassurance in times where we feel our creative muse is slightly less present. Here is an often…Jun 26, 2020Jun 26, 2020
On Self-ExpressionAll art is self-expression. It is the boldest form of self-expression. The very purpose of life is consciousness seeking to express itself…May 7, 2021May 7, 2021
Velvet SpaceThat velvet space Between two wor(l)ds Containing options and questions Scaffolding freedom Guiding attention Hosting imagination.May 6, 2021May 6, 2021
The Secret Potential of Feeling StuckMany want to help us get unstuck in your craft, art and work. But only a few understand that being stuck has its own merrit, place and…May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
Life — Transforming QuestionsIf the quality of our life depends on the decisions we make. And the quality of our decisions is largely determined by the quality of the…Jun 26, 2020Jun 26, 2020
On ShameIt is not the gods who judge but the herd. The crowd. The masses. The group. The community. When an individual enters a community, it…Jun 22, 2020Jun 22, 2020
How do you tell fact from fiction?I believe our greatest challenge is cultivating the ability to distinguish between what is real and what is represented as real. As Guy…Apr 21, 2020Apr 21, 2020
On Acceptance, Belonging and Critical ThinkingLately, I’ve been contemplating the tension between critical thinking and the desire to be accepted. Somehow my mind always seems to…Mar 30, 2020Mar 30, 2020
Unleash Your CreativityPerhaps you want to surprise, to bring freshness, to show so far unseen perspectives, to be a sparring partner, a conversation partner. Or…Mar 9, 2020Mar 9, 2020
Musings on Creativity: 8 do’s and dont’s to increase your self-confidence as an artist“Firestone”, ©REBELLICCA 2017 (acrylic on canvas)Mar 4, 2019Mar 4, 2019